1. 基本信息,吕瑞鹤,男,1983年12月出生,内蒙古包头市人。南开大学毕业。主要从事大气污染防治方面的研究,重点研究方向包括大气污染特征、大气污染物的理化性质、海岸城市颗粒物和气态污染物来源解析、固定污染物源颗粒物解析与控制、污染源和受体中半挥发性有机物的气-粒分配特征、有机物大气光化学反应模拟等方面。
2. 教育背景(时间倒序):
2015.09 – 2019.06,南开大学,环境科学专业,博士(国家环境保护城市空气颗粒物污染防治重点实验,导师: 冯银厂教授));
2016.09 – 2018.09,英国伯明翰大学,博士研究生联合培养(导师:Roy M. Harrison,副导:时宗波、Mohammed Salim Alam);
2007.09 – 2010.06,河南工业大学,分析化学专业,硕士(导师:何娟);
2003.09 - 2007.06,河南工业大学,应用化学专业,学士;
3. 工作经历(时间倒序):
2010.03 – 2010.12,北京超越未来科技发展有限公司;
2011.03 – 2016.09,北京华新安科科技有限公司,技术部经理;
4. 授课情况:
5. 主持和参与的课题:
[6] Fundamental Studies of the Sources, Properties and Environmental Behaviour of Exhaust Nanoparticles from Road Vehicles.( FASTER), European Research Council, ERC-2012-AdG, Proposal No. 320821, 已结题,参加;
[7] Air Pollution and Human Health in a Developing Megacity (APHH-Beijing), Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the Medical Research Council (MRC) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),NE/N007190/1,已结题,参加;
6. 科研成果(文章、著作、专利等):
[1] Juan He, Ruihe Lv, Jing Zhu, Kui Lu. Selective solid phase extraction of dibutyl phthalate from soybean milk using molecula rimprinted polymers, Anal. Chim. Acta. 661(2010) 215-221. (导师一作, 影响因子5.1, Sci二区);
[2] Juan He, Ruihe Lv, Haijun Zhan etal. Preparation and evaluation of molecularly imprinted solid-phase microextraction fibers for selective extraction of phthalates in an aqueous sample. Anal. Chim. Acta. 674(2010). 53-58. (导师一作, 影响因子5.1, Sci二区);
[3] Juan He, Ruihe Lv, Jie Cheng etal. Preparation and characterization of molecularly imprinted microspheres for dibutyl phthalate recognition in aqueous environment. Journal of Separation Science. 2010,33(21):3409-3414; (导师一作, 影响因子2.4, Sci三区);
[4] Ruihe Lyu, Harrison, R. M. et al. Aliphatic Carbonyl Compounds (C8-C26) in Wintertime Atmospheric Aerosol in London, UK[J]. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2019, 19(4): 2233-2246. (Sci一区);
[5] Ruihe Lyu., Harrison, R. M., et al. Alkanes and Aliphatic Carbonyl Compounds in Wintertime PM2.5 in Beijing, China[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2019. 202: p. 244-255. (Sci二区);
[6] Ruihe Lyu., Harrison, R. M. et al. Insight into the Composition of Organic Compounds (≥ C6) in PM2.5 in Wintertime in Beijing, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2019, 19(16): 10865-10881. (Sci一区);
7. 联系方式:
E-mai:aaron_cherish@hotmail.com / Lrh3954@hevttc.edu.cn